- Maroon 5, "Makes Me Wonder" - Most of their songs have been decent and worth listening to. This one is where they take the leap from good band to manufactured garbage. If there is a more overproduced song out there now, it's probably because the name of the artist is a tabloid fixture (e.g. Spears, B.; Lohan, L.; etc)
- Buster Olney - A fine writer and baseball reporter, but he makes me want to smack him sometimes for acting like the crowds in Jerusalem who demanded Pilate to "Crucify Him!" His blog is a joy to read, but he moves to judgment to swiftly, (typically) prognosticating doomsday for baseball rather than letting history unfold. Thank goodness I never was exposed to him during the 1994 strike, because I'm certain he never thought baseball would recover from that either. So, Mr. Olney, please let the perjury trial of Barry Lamar Bonds run its course and report on it, don't speculate.
- Bush tax policies - It is extremely difficult to point to any single reason why our economy is regressing back to the days of Carnegie and Hearst. Increasing international demand for key commodities and an ever present desire to not be satisfied with $10B quarterly profits (looking at your, ExxonMobil) are probably just as much to blame. But the Bush tax cuts plus the massive spending on keeping an active military force in Iraq are the ones most prominent on the political stage, and with New Hampshire and Iowa just around the corner, it is likely something that will end up meaning a Democrat takes the White House in November. Remember, after all the political analysis is through next November, you'll have heard someone say "It's the economy, stupid!" as a reason for the Republicans not holding the top executive office (and Congress too, while we're at it).
13 years ago
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